More Than

By Allison Cain (Hebrews 12:28-29)

There are so many reasons for thanksgiving and gratitude. . . . But is there more than thankful? More than just the usual “thank you” and the fleeting thought of thanks?

Where do we find the deep respect and reverence for all we have been given in love? I believe we find it in the pause . . . .

It’s in the pause that we experience more than thankfulness.

In the pause, we experience the feeling of awe, a mixture of fear and wonder tangled into one, as we conside God’s power and the magnitude of all He has woven together for us, in the moment, on this day.

In the pause, we worhsip with a whole and uninhibited heart that allows praises to ring, tears to flow, laughter to bellow and hands to raise.

God IS more than and DOES more than we ever stop to consider most days.

Let’s pause . . . . we can’t outshine God, but we can outshine our usual thankfulness. . . in the moment. We can lean into the wonder and mystery of His light that makes our path clear and how great His love for us must be to have woven all things together for our good.

Listen to this weeks podcast, The Sinner & The Saint on your favorite podcast platform or find out more on our website.

Feeling At Home


John 15:5-8, John 5:19, John 1:3, Jeremiah 10:23, Phil. 4:13, Deut. 31:8, Matt. 4:4 . . . . Separated from God we aren’t much. We are told this all through scripture and in church. Sometimes, it comes across to others as a threat, challenge or test.

What if we looked at it from the heart of God? What if we viewed it through the lens of freedom, strength, and love – it way it was intended?

We can’t do anything great without God! Do you have Him? Do you seek Him? Good, He is with you! When we embrace this truth from that perspective, we feel more at home with the security, peace, strength, courage and wisdom it comes with.

Deep breaths come more easily, because we don’t have to do it alone. Can’t do it alone. We’re not even created to do it alone. We have the Creator of everything seen and unseen by our side, helping us with all we need to handle with life, kids, work, ministry, temptations, joys, traumas, marriage and multitude of emotions tossed our way.

With God, the empty and scorched branches begin to flower and bloom. If we allow Him to lead the way, continuing to mature and cultivate an intimate relationship with Him, His words become more at home in our hearts.

And when we feel more at home with God, we recognize His supporting hand, we work easily together, strive less, fear nothing, trust wholeheartedly, and love unconditionally. When we have taken time with God, to know God, His heart and character, we are more at home with Him. Our relationship is more organic, one of less work and more natural creating. A synergy is experienced, and when embraced produces long lasting blessings for the present and future generations.

Listen to this weeks podcast, The Sinner & The Saint on your favorite podcast platform or find out more on our website.

Don’t Hold Back by Allison Cain (1 Cor. 15:55-58)


Memories . . . Truths . . . Deceptions . . . . Traumas . . . Moments in time . . So many things hidden and stored in the depths of our hearts. Like shells in the depths and laying in wait on the ocean floor.

God gently


With a mixture of strong winds, currents, storms, wind and waves gathers them from the depths and washes them upon our shore.

Revealing them

Offering them up to us

To find, to face, to explore and learn from.

Some of them perfect and complete, some broken, some smooth from years of tumbling around in the depths and yet some still rough enough to cut.

Don’t hold back or walk by. Instead, give in. Give in to the wonder of discoery and pick up the newly revealed treasure from the depths.

Touch it, feel it in your hands, experience it’s texture and imperfections, sense its story’s, embrace God’s blessing of the gentle reveal.

Don’t hold back . . . . Take it home, take it to heart, or simply acknowledge it and be set free before you give it back to the tides of life that ebb and flow within us all.

Listen to this weeks podcast, The Sinner & The Saint on your favorite podcast platform or find out more on our website.

Where is God? By Allison Cain


Where is God?

His love radiates from every sunrise with the promise of new mercies. His grace sprinkles from every falling raindrop and fall leaf. His power flows from every rolling wave in the vast oceans. His compassion drenches our souls during every sunset. His glory spills into our lungs with every breath of air we take in. His compassion and mercy pour out from every moonbeam and twinkling star. His might is displayed in every mountaintop. His truth a tsunami that will overtake any darkness.

Where is God?

With you.

All around you.

As you sit with Him in quiet and stillness, walk with Him in His creation; look for Him.

Listen for Him.

Take a deep breath and soak in all He offers to a longing and willing heart.